Doc Benton's Astrological Research Centre

I define astrology as the premise that there exist meaningful relationships between celestial and terrestrial events, and I like to call this premise the Astrological Hypothesis Assumption or AHA, for short. Furthermore, while there are still skeptics out there who deny that any sort of valid astrology exists, I maintain that it is no longer a question of whether astrology works, but rather one of to what extent does astrology work? Examples of meaningful relationships of the "as above, so below" kind are all around us as anyone who has observed the effect of the Moon on tides or who has consistently started their day with the rising of the Sun readily knows. These are nothing other than astrological relationships, and so the real question is how far do such relationships extend? The material I've collected and am still collecting below begins to give an answer to that question. You will find studies below from astronomy and astrophysics that suggest that solar events can affect things on Earth down to the molecular level, that the 11-year sunspot cycle is driven by angular relationships between Jupiter and Venus that mirror astrology's "hard aspects," and that there exist gravity voids called Lagrange points that involve angles reminiscent of the "soft aspects" of astrology. There are also scientific studies from the emerging field of chronobiology that explore how solar and lunar cycles impact plant and animal behavior, articles aimed at building a deeper theoretical understanding of how astrology works, case studies that document astrology's impact on events in the mundane world, scientific studies on astrology and the financial world, and studies involving statistics and extreme case sampling that sometimes confirm standard astrological theory (SAT) and that other times add new and unexpected results to the body of astrological knowledge. The deniers of astrology will still tend to criticize and belittle the statistical evidence for astrology in any way they can, but as that body of evidence grows, it will become more and more difficult to deny what is happening right before their very eyes. This is not to say that everything that any astrologer believes is necessarily true. I doubt that it is either with respect to myself or with respect to others. However, that is the way things often are in scientific disciplines. Every field has its fallacies. But just as in physics and medicine where there is a body of knowledge that we know that we can rely on, there are other beliefs that we are certain will be either modified or completely changed by the inevitable light of new information. And as it is in other sciences, so will it be in astrology. As the preponderance of various kinds of scientific evidence for astrology continues to expand, those in other disciplines will eventually have to arrive at their own AHA moment where they will have to admit that there is, in fact, something to astrology after all. And at that moment, they will have no choice but to seek greater clarification from those who have spent centuries studying all the fine nuances of the many relationships that tie our lives to the larger universe. At some point they will have to turn to us, to astrologers, to the original explorers of the cosmos!


FINDING OF THE MONTH - The article below titled "Correlations between Sunspots and Planetary Positions" provides evidence that conjunctions, squares, and oppositions can cause tension.



Time Dependent Nuclear Decay Parameters

The extraordinary thing about this study is that the data suggest the sunsports and solar flares can alter the rate of decay in certain radioactive processes. In other words, solar events appear to be able to affect things on the molecular level, and that, indeed, is deep.

Is there a planetary influence on solar activity?

What I particularly like about this paper is that it provides evidence that a small amount of torque exerted by the planets on the Sun's tachocline correlate quite well with solar activity. Thus, it gives an example of the "butterfly effect." It shows that small influences from planets can somehow be magnified to produce large effects.

The Influence of Planets on the Formation Sun-spots

This is an early exploration published in 1911 on the influence of Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter on the formation of sunspots.

Correlations Between Sunspots and Planetary Positions

This study from the 1970s found that sunspot activity is at a maximum whenever three planets heliiocentrically make angles of 0, 90, or 180 degrees with one another. This is important since in astrology these angles, either geocentric or heliocentric, are often associated with increased tension.The complete text of the article may be purchased from JSTOR.

Planetary Orbits May Explain Mystery of Sun's 11-Year Cycle

Our Sun's Mysterious 11-Year Cycle Appears to Be Driven by Alignment of The Planets

Is Jupiter the Cause of the Solar Sunspot Cycle?

Shaken and Stirred: When Bond Meets Suess–de Vries and Gnevyshev–Ohl

This 2020 publication discusses the impact of Earth, Venus, and Jupiter on sunspot cycles, and it explores the synodic periods of other planetary pairs as well.

New study suggests a link between the 11 year solar cycle and the tidal effects of Venus, the Earth and Jupiter

Synchronized Helicity Oscillations: A Link Between Planetary Tides and the Solar Cycle?

Solar Physicists Confirmed Planetary Hypothesis Through Sun's Clock

On the correlation between solar activity and large earthquakes worldwide

This study published in 2020 establishes a highly significant correlation between earthquakes and solar activity measured in terms of proton density by the SOHO satellite. In particular, earthquakes are more likely to occur within 24 hours of the proton density reaching certain peaks.

A Statistical Study of the Correlation between Geomagnetic Storms and M = 7.0 Global Earthquakes during 1957–2020

This study that was published in 2020 finds strong links between geomagnetic storms caused by solar activity and shallow earthquakes of magnitude greater than or equal to 7.0. Furthermore, these earthquakes are more likely to follow such storms, and they may even occur 27 days afterwards.

Geomagnetic Kp Index and Earthquakes

The Kp index is a measure of deviations in the Earth's magnetic field, and surges in the Kp index correlate strongly with earthquakes. to view the current value of the Kp index, you can go to Additional interesting information on solar events can also be found at

Lagrange Points

Lagrange points are points where the various gravitational and centrifugal forces of two orbiting heavenly bodies balance each other out to create regions of relative stability. These points emerge when one heavenly body orbits another, and there are five Lagrange points in total that are labeled L1, L2, L3, L4, and L5. If we use the orbit of the Earth around the Sun as an example, then the points L4 and L5 are in a sextile relation to Earth, and the points L3, L4, and L5 form a grand trine. Furthermore, if there were other heavenly bodies at L3 and L4, then they would each generate their own Lagrange points with the Sun, and they would share a common Lagrange point at the midpoint between L3 and L4. Additionally, if two heavenly bodies in the same orbit around the Sun were 60 degrees apart, then they would be in a sort of mutual reception in that each would be positioned at one of the Lagrange points for the other. It's still quite a leap, though, to go from the stability of Lagrange points to concluding that trines and sextiles in astrology are easy or stable aspects. Much, mcuh more work would have to be done to prove that assertion, but, nonetheless, the science of Lagrange points is quite suggestive of such an outcome.


Are cyclic plant and animal behaviours driven by gravimetric mechanical forces?

This is a fine survey article of research into mostly (but not exclusively!) biological phenomena that correlate with lunar and solar rythyms, and it is particularly useful for the dozens upon dozens of references it gives to many well-done scientific studies.

Peter Barlow’s insights and contributions to the study of tidal gravity variations and ultra-weak light emissions in plants

Remarkable research by the late Peter Barlow shows how how local lunar gravity can impact ultra-weak photon emissions in plants. Once again it is a remarkable finding that weak changes in gravity can impact biological organisms at such a deep level.

Full moonlight-induced circadian clock entrainment in Coffea arabica

Environmental factors explain spawning day deviation from full moon in the scleractinian coral Acropora

The Full Moon as a Synchronizer of Circa-monthly Biological Rhythms: Chronobiologic Perspectives Based on Multidisciplinary Naturalistic Research

Simultaneous and intercontinental tests show synchronism between the local gravimetric tide and the ultra-weak photon emission in seedlings of different plant species

Spontaneous ultra-weak light emissions from wheat seedlings are rhythmic and synchronized with the time profile of the local gravimetric tide

Leaf movements and their relationship with the lunisolar gravitational force

This study is remarkable because its results suggest that certain behavors in biological organsims are affected by weak gravitational forces, and this could be part of a causal model for how astrology works.

Lunar gravity affects leaf movement of Arabidopsis thaliana in the International Space Station

Annual incidence of mortality related to hypertensive disease in Canada and associations with heliophysical parameters

This study finds strong links between heliobiological factors (solar wind plasma beta, in particular) and death from diseases related to hypertension.

Cyclic Patterns of Cancer Incidence in Males by Body Site

This study identifies cyclic patterns for the incidence of a variety of different cancers and suggests that this is the result of heliogeophysical imprinting during the development of the fetus.

Heliogeophysical Aspects of Rheology: New Technologies and Horizons of Preventive Medicine

This paper discusses the impact of heliogeophysical factors on the cardiovascular system and the possibility of heliogeophysical imprinting during the development of the fetus.

The problem of the effect of cosmogeophysical factors on the formation of the properties of developing organisms during early ontogeny

This article is in Russian, but the abstract is available in English, and according to the abstract this paper discusses a number of bodily functions and pathologies that are affected by heliogeophysical properties during pregnancy.

An Influence of Changes of Heliogeophysical Conditions on Biological Systems

This article discusses the impact of heliogeophysical conditions on emotional disturbances and sudden cardiac death

Human Responses to the Geophysical Daily, Review Annual and Lunar Cycles

This article reports a variety of ailments that have been found to bel linked to the month or season in which one is born. It also asserts that no links have been found between humans and the lunar cycle, but the research of others would beg to differ.

Cyclic patterns of cancer incidence in males by body site: data from the USA for the period 1973-1989

The causality of lunar changes on cardiovascular mortality

This study found that the greatest number of geomagnetic disturbances occur around the times of the 1st and 3rd quarter moons and that inreased cardiovascular mortality is associated with this. In astrological theory, the quarter moons should also be times of tension since they square the Sun, and this study provides confirmation of that.

A study on the physical fitness index, heart rate, and blood pressure in different phases of the lunar month on male human subjects

Do animals bite more during a full moon?


Sex difference in response to stress by lunar month: A pilot study of four years' crisis-call frequency

Astrological Theory

Astrology Dictionary

The Cycle of Becoming

A Brief Summary of my Conceptual Model for Understanding Standard Astrological Theory (SAT)

What if Astrology Actually Works? (Part 1)

How to Think About the Astrology Research Program: An Essay Considering Emergent Effects

Kolisko Effect

The Kolisko Effect, based on experiments by Lily Kalisko in the 1920s, claims that certain metals will be affected by certain planetary conjunctions. Like Kirlian photography, this effect seems to have remained on the fringes of science since it doesn't fit in well with the commonly accepted model of reality. Nonetheless, various individuals have been successful in replicating the effect, and so it may be real in spite of the lack of attention given to it by the scientific community, and so I'm providing some links below to more information about it.

Lili Kolisko Institute

Metal-Planet Correspondences

Experiments at Moon-Saturn conjunctions using the capillary dynamolysis method of Lilly Kolisko

Kolisko Experiments over Mars conjunctions - in May (Saturn & Venus) and July (Jupiter) of 2002

Modern Evidence of Traditional Astrology – The Kolisko Effect

Kolisko Effect-1

Kolisko Effect-2

Capillary Dynamolysis

The Experiments of Kolisko and Kollerstrojm

Chemical Effects of a Mars-Saturn Conjunction

Working With the Stars In Earthly Substance

Metal-Planet Correspondences

Mundane Astrology

The Uranus Return of the United States

Is America Headed Toward Another Civil War?

Sunspot Cycles & Human History

The Historical Ephemeris

research note - 9/11 (Saturn opposition Pluto)

Financial Astrology

Are Investors Moonstruck? Lunar Phases and Stock Returns

Sheer Lunacy staring at the heavens


research note - ADHD and/or Borderline Personality Disorder and/or Obssesive/Compulsive Disorder and/or PTSD (Sun conjunct Neptune)

research note - alcoholism (Moon semisextile and/or quincunx Neptune)

research note - bipolar disorder (Uranus square Neptune)

research note - body parts (Sun conjunct North Node)

research note - politics (Sun conjunct Uranus)

research note - schizophrenia (Moon square Uranus)

research note - sex business (Sun conjunct Pluto, Sun conjunct Uranus)

research note - male-to-female transsexuality

Once after a full moon: Acute type A aortic dissection and lunar phases

Sex differences in the effects of the moon on ischemic stroke incidence

The Dark Side of the Moon

Effects of weather and moon phases on emergency medical use after fall injury: A population-based nationwide study

Evidence that the Lunar Cycle Influences Human Sleep

Standard astrological theory posits that one's mental state is more disturbed during a full moon, and this study provides confirmatiion through examining the quality of sleep during a full moon. The researchers found that in adults sleeping under controlled laboratory conditions during a full moon that delta brainwaves decreased by 30%, the time needed to fall asleep increased by 5 minutes, the length of sleep time descreased by 20 minutes, endogenous melatonin levels decreased, and the participants reported diminished quality of sleep.

Are Children Like Werewolves? Full Moon and Its Association with Sleep and Activity Behaviors in an International Sample of Children

This cross-cultural study reports a small but significant effect of the full moon on sleep. All in all, children sleep about five minutes less at a full moon as compared to sleep at a new moon, and while this is but a small effect, it, nonetheless, supports traditional astrological theory regarding how things are intensified at a full moon.

Full moon and poisoning

Synodic lunar phases and suicide: based on 2605 suicides over 23 years, a full moon peak is apparent in premenopausal women from northern Finland

Full moon and crime

Moon/Sun - suicide

The full moon and motorcycle related mortality

Full moon and traffic accident-related emergency ambulance transport: A nationwide case-crossover study

New Tests with Gauquelin Data Confirm Astrology

The Gravitation of the Moon Plays Pivotal Roles in the Occurrence of the Acute Myocardial Infarction

The lunar cycle: effects on human and animal behavior and physiology

Sunspot Dynamics Are Reflected in Human Physiology and Pathophysiology

World Cup soccer players tend to be born with sun and moon in adjacent zodiacal signs

World Cup soccer players are more likely to be born with the Sun and Moon in adjacent signs, and that result is not readily apparent from the viewpoint of standard astrological theory. However, this study did find no statistically significant difference between the number of players with Moon making by sign either a waxing or a waning semisextile to their Sun, a waxing or waning sextile to their Sun, a waxing or waning square to their Sun, and so on. In this way, this study adds support to the traditional Ptolemaic aspects.


This is the classic study by Mayo, White, and Eysenck that found statistical support for earth and water signs being more introverted and air and fire signs trending toward extroversion. However, there are questions over whether prior knowledge of astrology influenced the results.

Astrological Signs as Determinants of Extroversion and Emotionality: An Empirical Study


This online research article does a Gauquelin type analysis of the relationship of the placements of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn in a horoscope and the subsequent scores for extraversion and introversion as measured by the Eysenck Personality Inventory. The results are that Jupiter is more likely to have just risen or culminated in the charts of extroverts, and Saturn is more likely to have just risen or culminated in the charts of inroverts.

Eysenck's personality analysis and position of the planets at birth: A replication on American subjects

This replication on American subjects found that having Mars or Jupiter just having risen or culminated is associated with extroversion and psychoticism (aggression, aloofness, impulsivity, risk taking, non-conforming) while Saturn in the same positions is linked with introversion and non-psychoticism.

Can psychological profiles match birth charts?

This abridged version of an article by Robert Currey that appeared in Correlation pairs keywords from the Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) with each of the astrological elements and shows that fire signs tend to be extroverted, earth signs are introverted, air signs tend toward emotional stability, while water signs do not appear to be well identified by the EPI.

On the astrological polarity in extravert and introvert groups

The Astrological “Theory” of Personality: An Unbiased Test by a Biased Observer

The planetary positions and relationships at the dates of birth of a cohort of Nigerian schizophrenics

Lunar cycle and psychiatric hospital admissions for schizophrenia: new findings from Henan province, China

Impact of the lunar cycle on the incidence of intracranial aneurysm rupture: Myth or reality?

This study found a significant increase in aneurysm ruptures around the new moon.

The Causality of lunar changes on cardiovascular mortality

The abstract for this paper shows that the 1st and 3rd quarter moons are associated with increased tension and mortality.


This paper also found inreases in mortality associated with th 1st and 3rd quarter moons.

The Mars Effect (Wikipedia)

I object to the objections of the Mars Effect.

Gauguelin: Is There a Mars Effect?

In this paper by Gauquelin the objections of critics are addressed and they are resolved one by one in favor of the Mars Effect.

Update on the “Mars Effect”

Gauqelin's work is confirmed, but questions are raised regarding how these planetary effects occur.

Raising the Hurdle for the Athletes' Mars Effect: Association Co-Varies With Eminence

This study by Suitbert Ertel found that, when the level of eminence is determined by the number of published citations, the significance of the Mars effect for athletes increases (i.e. the p-value is even lower).

Further Grading of Eminence: Planetary Correlations with Musicians, Painters, Writers (abstract)


Relating Planetary Aspects to Human Birth: Improved Method Yields Negative Results (abstract)

Purifying Gauquelin's 'Grain of Gold': Planetary Effects Defy Physical Interpretation (abstract)

This study by Suitbert Ertel fails to find any physical variables that might cause the "Mars effect." In particular, this affect appears to be unrelated to planetary distance, magnitude, conjunctions with the Sun, declination, right ascension, and geomagnetic disturbances. This suggests that new models from physics may be needed to explain the bulk of confirmed astrological effects.

Planetary Influences on Human Behavior ("Gauquelin Effect"): Too Absurd for a Scientific Explanation?

The Gauquelin Effect Explained? Comments on Arno Miiler's Hypothesis of Planetary Correlations

The Gauquelin Effect Explained? A Rejoinder to Ertel's Critique

Re-evaluating the Gauquelin Data

New Study Confirms Gauquelin "Plus Zones"

Using the basic methodology of Gauquelin, studies by other researchers have confirmed that puppies that are more assertve tend to have Sun or Jupiter rising or culminating. Also confirmed was that people with Jupiter rising or culminating tend to be more extraverted while people with Saturn rising or culminating tend to be more introverted.

An Empirical Study of Some Astrological Factors in Relation to Dog Behaviour Differences by Statistical Analysis and Compared with Human Characteristics

Planets, Personality, and Ordinary People (abstract)

Using the Eysenck Personality Questionairre, Michel Gauquelin found that ordinary people with Mars rising or culminating were significantly more likely (p=0.02) to be extroverted (E+) and tough-minded (P+) while those with the Moon rising or culminating were more likely (p=0.05) to score high on social desrability (L+). Gauquelin also points out that no current questionairre may be an adequate measure of astrological effects.


Did Gauquelin Prove astrology? Part1 (Video)

Did Gauquelin Prove astrology? Part2 (Video)

The Gauquelin Research and the Mars Effect in Astrology (Video)

Do Whole Sign Houses Explain Gauquelin’s Mars Effect?

Astrologer Patrick Watson argues that using whole sign houses results in a greater alignment of Gauquelin's results with traditional astrology by moving the position of Mars in many of the charts of famous atheletes from cadent houses into angular houses.

Studies providing evidence supporting Astrology

This webpage contains information on a plethora of peer-reviewed studies that support astrology. Thus, it will take me some time to review all of the studies, but it's much better to have an abundance of evidence as opposed to a lack of evidence.

Negative Results

Is it the moon? Effects of the lunar cycle on psychiatric admissions, discharges and length of stay

The correlation between full moon and admission volume for penetrating injuries at a major trauma centre in South Africa

Full Moon and Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in Japan

The influence of the full moon on the number of accessions to an animal emergency centre

The full moon and admission to emergency rooms

Pediatric psychiatric emergency department visits during a full moon

Full moon: does it influence agitated nursing home residents?

Insignificant solar-terrestrial triggering of earthquakes

The Carlson Experiment - A Double-Blind Test of Astrology

Eysenk's commentary

Ertel's appraisal

Vidmar commentary

McRitchie commentary

Currey commentary

Evidence-Based Astrology/David Cochrane Studies













The Evidence for Astrology, Part 1

The Evidence for Astrology, Part 2

The Evidence for Astrology, Part 3

The Evidence for Astrology, Part 4

The Evidence for Astrology, Part 5



Scientific Evidence That Supports Astrology